Oct 18, 2017

Short Film Blog

This was our first real film project of senior year ecomm and I had a lot of fun making it, and I hope you have fun watching it.

We based our script on an idea that someone in our class already had written up. We made minor changes to the script though, just because of limitations like actor availability and location availability. To start this out in pre production we all collaborated to change this script around to make it easier for us to carry out and produce. This involved changing the script and changing the main focus and also changing the plot points to match. We all got ready very easily and it was a smooth transition from pre production to actual production. Production started and ended all pretty easily, and it was very fun to film. The process took about 2 hours and we shot a lot of the same stuff just to make sure we have choices in post. Post production started at the start of the next week and it was very fun to look back at everything we had filmed. But we did have a problem, we had a lack of dialogue. It would've been OK but not the best. We decided to make it into a silent and old fashioned film, and it turned out amazingly.
My role in this whole project was to be cinematographer. I did not have that hard of a time doing this and I actually had a lot of fun filming this. I used a canon 70D with a standard 18-55mm lens. We then edited the next week all in final cut pro.
Overall I had a lot of fun on this project and there isn't much that I would change. But if I had to pick I would say I would've liked to try and find some better actors and locations, as I feel that we just settled for the minimum of what we could get. And to also incorporate more dialogue into the film.
Something I would keep the same though is the group involved, I feel like we all worked together very well and we were very productive while also keeping things light hearted.