Dec 17, 2014

The quarter with Mrs. Lofquidst in graphic design is coming to an end. actually this is the last day of freshmen year. I've learned a lot throughout these nine weeks and might consider taking it again next year.

The final project we did was actually pretty simple and not too hard to do. We cut a snowflake out of blue tissue paper and then scanned it into the server folder. Then I tok the snowflake into Adobe Photoshop and changed the color, and took a picture from my favorite ski resort in Keystone, Colorado and just added a couple flakes to the ski slope.

Dec 15, 2014

Web Project

These past few weeks in e9, we have been working on a web project in Adobe Dreamweaver. We made multiple pages with HTML. We learned all of the basics of Dreamweaver and even a little extra. This was a really fun and interesting project to do and make. We also had some questions to answer, found below.

B1. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
B2. <head> and </head> are the tags that make headings.
B3. <body> and </body>
B4. H2
B5.  <strong> and </strong>
B6. <em> and </em>
B7. <p> and </p>
B8. Insert>HTML>Special Characters

Dec 8, 2014

Final Project

These past weeks in photoshop we have done around  four projects. These were all really fun and we all learned the basics about photoshop. My favorite project was the raven, seen up top. This project was the hardest and the most fun to do. We had to get rid of the cars and light poles, and also blend in all the pictures of Olathe Northwest into the raven. I really enjoyed this quarter in graphic design, and can't wait to return next year.

Dec 5, 2014

Orthogonal Cube

This week in Graphic Design we made orthogonal cubes in Adobe Photoshop. This is one of our first projects in the new software and with finals coming up, there's a lot of info to cram in in a short amount of time. This project was really fun to make though, we learned a lot of the basics of photoshop and how to use it.

Nov 25, 2014


This week in Graphic Design we started with photoshop. I had some past experience but not very much. This project was pretty easy, we had a step-by-step direction sheet to go off of. It was a pretty fun project to make, and I can't wait to continue with photoshop.

Nov 17, 2014

Fonts are very important pieces of art that symbolize every day culture. Logos can range from simple circles to elaborate contraptions of many different shapes. My logo is very simple and easy. I have a Raven (symbolizing my school mascot) and my last name represented by the sloppily written 'Kobe'.

Nov 5, 2014

Font Project

This week in Graphic Design we had a type-font project. We took a test online to find out which "font" we were from four letters describing us. My four letters were;

  • Rational
  • Understated
  • Traditional
  • Relaxed
These words describe me and how I act throughout the day. The font I got was Baskerville Italic, you can see an example in the above picture. I had a lot of fun finding out which type font I am and making this Handglovery diagram of my name in Baskerville Italic.

Oct 29, 2014

color wheel

In Graphic Design this week we learned about color wheels and how important they are. And we also learned how colors symbolize different emotions and feelings.

Oct 21, 2014

Graphic Design

There would be no personal connections without graphic design. Graphic Design creates those personal connections we make with everything. These could range from logos to pictures to even signs. We design everything to make life easier with recognizing different things.

Oct 8, 2014


For this final project we got in a group of three and interviewed each-other. All we needed for this was the six shots and a few of your own questions. And because we only needed the six shots, it lasts no more than twenty seconds. I have all the six shots and three questions and answers. I had Ian interview me and Amy film it. In final cut pro I learned how to cut a twenty second shot into just two. This came in handy because we had A LOT of extra film.

Oct 1, 2014

Chase Scene

This week in e-Comm we had a chase scene project, where we filmed a chase with multiple angles and told a small story at the same time.

What did you learn?

In Final Cut Pro I learned how to put in multiple pieces of music and sound fx to make it sound normal.

What will you apply to your next project?

For my next project i will add more music and fade it.

How was collaboration different?

For this project we used collaboration to have multiple ideas on angles and ideas.

How will you improve collaboration in your next project?

I will work together better to film better shots and have a better story.

Sep 16, 2014

What did you learn?

I learned how to piece multiple shots together to make it all look like one continuous shot.

What will you apply to your next project?

I will make my next project too like one continuous shot.

Define collaboration.

We collaborated on ideas and topics to film.

Sep 10, 2014

My Personality Type

My personality type is ENTJ. Of the world's population, only 2% are ENTJ.
ENTJ's are creative thinkers, brilliant and really smart. They are most likely to stay in college and have a higher GPA than most.
ENTJ's are motivated by success and they enjoy hard work. Hobbies for ENTJ's include social gatherings, important meetings or sporting events.

Sep 5, 2014

six shot sequence

Six Shot Sequence

  • Extra Close UP- An extra close up os a close up of the hands.
  • Over the Shoulder- This shows what the person is doing.
  • Close Up- This answers the question, "who is it?"
  • Medium Shot- This shot shows the person from hips-up.
  • Wide Shot- This shows what the person is doing, but not the entire scene.
  • Extra Wide Shot- This shot shows the entire scene.
What did I learn?

I learned how to film with a flip camera and extract the video from the SD card.

What Will I Apply to My Next Project?

For my next project, I will make it longer and have better quality.

Aug 22, 2014


To make this video, I used Final Cut Pro. In FCPX, I used the blade tool mostly to get the exact clips I wanted. I also put in some audio to go along with the video, because nobody wants to hear an announcer freaking out over a goal.
I made this video about soccer, one of, if not my favorite sport. I gathered a collection of my five favorite goals and put them in. 
Making this, I learned the basics on how to use FCPX. I feel like I did a pretty good job, and I can't wait to use this more in the future. I hope to get a job later in editing/making videos.

I uploaded this afterwards on YouTube and also Blogger. Editing and making this video was really fun, and I hope to make some pretty awesome videos with FCPX. And it was also pretty easy to use.