Oct 2, 2015

Vultures or Reporters? (video)

This article was comparing reporters to vultures. These reporters are people who immediatly reacted to the thursday shooting in Oregon by requesting interviews.  The author was comparing reporters to vultures, as the reporters immediately requested interviews after a tragic event. He uses the reporters tweets to victims as evidence. The author was good at citing evidence especially tweets, but i feel like he dragged the article on longer than it needed to be. The authors evidence does indeed support the main ideas of the article though, the evidence is also clear and convincing.

Here is the article https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/vultures-or-reporters-after-shooting-witnesses-hit-with-media-requests/2015/10/01/c7c53a86-6871-11e5-9ef3-fde182507eac_story.html

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