Aug 28, 2015

Personal Project Review (Animation)

1.) The scope was too make our first animation of the year. It was a very simple one, as we just had to make a ball bounce across the screen.

2.) We made our original pictured background in Adobe Photoshop. Nt day we took it into Dream Weaver and made it simply bounce across the screen then rendered.

3.) I learned how to make an interactive background in Photoshop, then learned how to animate that in Dreamweaver.

4.) I would take more time to make the animation and bounces look as fluid as possible.

5.) I would use the same method to make the background and ball again.

6.) I will use these experiences to better my next Dreamweaver project.

7.) This was a very fun project to make and I also learned a lot about Dreamweaver.

Aug 26, 2015

Project Review

1. What was the scope of the project? We had to watch a video and note the first 18 shots, which ended up being the first 38 seconds.

2. What was your process? I would pause at each change of shots, and draw it down on the storyboard.

3. What did you learn along the way? I learned about all the different shots people use and how they key them together to make them look good and professional. 

4. What would i do different? Why? I would take more time at each shot and make it look the best I can make it.

5. What would you do the same? Why? I would draw each shot in order, no matter if it may be the same type of shot twice in a row.

6. What experiences will you draw from? I will make sure that I continue today close attention to each shot and not skip shots. 

7. General thoughts and conclusions. This was a good eye-opening project as I got to see how professionals pieced their shots together correctly to make it look the best they can make it.