Dec 16, 2015

Video Final

Our semester final for convergence journalism was a full news package that we made entirely. We all had specific stories, mine was about an underclassmen play. I got my partner, made a story and submitted it for the final. The final news presentation was relatively easy as all I had to do was submit my story and operate the camera. Every little job had someone that was in charge of it and I feel like our news show went pretty well. I really liked working in this group setting as there was tons of collaboration and feeding off of other peoples' ideas. Our group cooperated pretty well, which was good because we were all in the same finals-mindset. We definitely worked well together. There was some confusion on what exactly to do though, as we didn't have much help from teachers. If I were to assign this project to students, I would assign it much earlier than when we got it. Our group was kinda stressed out with thinking about upcoming deadlines. Heck, even some of our final news stories weren't done on the day of filming. This would've been avoided if we would have gotten the project even a week earlier. I learned a lot more about news rooms and their equipment, and what the people go through to push out these news packages. I have developed a new found respect for all of those associated with convergence journalism, mainly our school's news team.I didn't learn very much more software skills though, as I am fairly familiar with all the programs we used. If I do something like this again, I will definitely manage my time better as something I lacked was time. I hope to learn more about the behind-the-scenes of news and what makes a successful news story.

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