Dec 19, 2016

Semester One Reflection

The first semester to junior year eComm is coming to a close. This semester has been fantastic and I have come to love the entertainment strand even more.

This semester has mainly been used doing client work, because of lack of progress on the short film. The short film is something I hope will happen next semester.
But as client work goes, I have done a number of projects. I have completed work for clients including a fellow students's father and the ONW Engineering academy. I still have ongoing projects though with the company Fun Services. I really enjoy doing client work and I hope to continue, as I am benefiting greatly from it. The program gives me a great opportunity to connect with more and new clients that I will use to build experience and skill.

As this semester has passed along I have realized many things about my self. The main things have been new strengths I have noticed. I have also realized that I am better than I think at some things like editing with Final Cut or talking to potential clients. But one of my main strengths has been my creativity. Creativity in mainly storyboarding shots and even cinematography in general. My works have been very nice stylistic and I take pride in that.

Some areas of improvement I need, however, is an improvement in things class related. I tend to be lazy in certain things and maybe even procrastinate a few  projects. I hate this and I plan to fix this next semester.

Overall this semester I have grown a great deal. I have learned new responsibility and how to handle that responsibility. I am now a big part of my group and I can hold my own very easily and this is something I am proud of. I am becoming a better student in more than just ecomm, and this can only improve from now on.

Dec 15, 2016

Professional Project Review - Alone

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This short film was an award winning short film made by independent creators by Brock Torunski & Alex Vietinghoff. This short film won awards for cinematography and sound at the Halifax film festival. 

The main summary of the film is a man is living (alone) in a post apocalyptic world. The film starts out by him having a dream of the normal world, and then showing a normal day in his life along with his narration. He makes food, scavenges old houses for supplies and walks home. But they create suspense by having him narrate about him being alone on earth, while a house he walks past has a light turned on.

I really liked the cinematography in this film I thought it was fantastic. This film looked really good resolution wise and all the shots were clean and unique. I will definitely use this as inspiration for my future works.

Some things I didn't like about this film, however, was the actor and how he sounded. It might sound weird but the voice overs didn't match the characters face and didn't sound good compared to the situation. It just seemed a little awkward.

Another thing I didn't like was the setting. I know it was supposed to be set in a post-apocalyptic time but I could not tell at all besides the toothpaste in the drawer and the can of food. The house, street and even other houses all looked completely normal for being post apocalyptic. I know this would be very hard to do, but it doesn't look like they made any effort to make it look post apocalyptic. And in a narration he says he has been alone for years, so something should have definitely changed in the setting if the apocalypse isn't a new thing.

Overall I thought it was a fun watch. I don't think I would watch it again or recommend it, only for the reasons I listed above. I just couldn't get into it.

Dec 14, 2016

Personal Project Review

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This was a short promotional video that I made for a client. This was my first time making something requested by an actual client that wasn't requested by the school. It was a very cool experience and I learned a lot from it. It was hard at first trying to meet the clients needs but overall it was very fun.

This video was a behind the scenes for an online ad agency. We didn't film much because time was limited, so we had to use some of the same style shots again.