Dec 16, 2015

Video Final

Our semester final for convergence journalism was a full news package that we made entirely. We all had specific stories, mine was about an underclassmen play. I got my partner, made a story and submitted it for the final. The final news presentation was relatively easy as all I had to do was submit my story and operate the camera. Every little job had someone that was in charge of it and I feel like our news show went pretty well. I really liked working in this group setting as there was tons of collaboration and feeding off of other peoples' ideas. Our group cooperated pretty well, which was good because we were all in the same finals-mindset. We definitely worked well together. There was some confusion on what exactly to do though, as we didn't have much help from teachers. If I were to assign this project to students, I would assign it much earlier than when we got it. Our group was kinda stressed out with thinking about upcoming deadlines. Heck, even some of our final news stories weren't done on the day of filming. This would've been avoided if we would have gotten the project even a week earlier. I learned a lot more about news rooms and their equipment, and what the people go through to push out these news packages. I have developed a new found respect for all of those associated with convergence journalism, mainly our school's news team.I didn't learn very much more software skills though, as I am fairly familiar with all the programs we used. If I do something like this again, I will definitely manage my time better as something I lacked was time. I hope to learn more about the behind-the-scenes of news and what makes a successful news story.

Dec 15, 2015

Technical Tutorial

I am going to teach how to use the EP Curve tool in maya to make a cup. First, to make it easier, you should start working in side view. Then, select the curve tool and start on the Y line. Make your base however big you want.
Then, proceed to make your base. this can be whatever shape you want.
Now, drag your curve up and make the rest of your cup in any desired shape. Remember to end your line on the same Y line you started on.
Then, use the revolve button to revolve the rest of your cup, to make an actual cup.
And now you have your cup! (I made my base too big.) You can now add some background with whatever you want.

Dec 9, 2015

Story Animation

Our most recent animation project was a story. We had to write up a storyboard, design characters, and animate it all out using mainly photoshop and after effects. 
Here is two of my storyboards i used as a guide while animating. I did however choose to leave a few scenes out due to deadlines. My main focus on this project was to animate a man following love around the country, all to get heartbroken in the end.
Here is what i drew out the characters as. I took these into photoshop, pieced their bodies together, and the animated them out in after effects. The animation was pretty easy, all I mainly had was walk cycles with different backgrounds pieced into multiple compositions.

Nov 30, 2015

Blood Drive Reviews

Positive: He had great voice-overs
Constructive: The volume was sometimes too low

Positive: Great B-Roll and interviews
Constructive: His voice-overs were too quiet 

Positive: Good voice-overs
Constructive: The B-Roll was too loud

P: Great voice-overs
C: Nat Noise was too loud at times

P: Good shot variety
C: Interviews were Quiet

P: Great voice-overs and interviews
C: Nat noise was sometimes too loud

P: Good variety of shots
C: B-Roll was shaky

P: Good J and L edits
C: Voice overs were boring

P: Good overall volume
C: Interview's seemed boring

P: Good interviews
C: Boring voice-overs

P: Great B-Roll
C: Quiet voice-overs

P: Great interviews
C: Nat noise sometimes masked voice-overs

P: Good Interviews
C: Blurred b-roll

P: Good voice-overs
C: Loud b-roll nat noise

P: Great B-roll
C: Quiet interviews

P: Good interviews
C: Boring voice-overs

P: Good voice-overs
C: Quiet interviews

P: Good interviews
C: Voice-overs were too long

P: Good voice-overs
C: Nat noise was too loud

P: Great voice-overs
C: Some intewrviews were quiet

P: Good voice-overs
C: Nat noise was too loud at points

Oct 2, 2015

Vultures or Reporters? (video)

This article was comparing reporters to vultures. These reporters are people who immediatly reacted to the thursday shooting in Oregon by requesting interviews.  The author was comparing reporters to vultures, as the reporters immediately requested interviews after a tragic event. He uses the reporters tweets to victims as evidence. The author was good at citing evidence especially tweets, but i feel like he dragged the article on longer than it needed to be. The authors evidence does indeed support the main ideas of the article though, the evidence is also clear and convincing.

Here is the article

Sep 30, 2015

Professional Project Review

1.) This animation is a short film uploaded to youtube, and it is about a man struggling to survive in the city.

2.) You can tell that most of the animations are drawings, especially when there is a close up or when the character is moving, and the animator made that style of animation look very well, and it fit the overall story well.

3.) The story was about a struggling man fighting his inner demons and other people, it all takes place in parts of a city and the mans mind.

4.) I would consider animating in that sam style he did, to get that drawing-look.

5.) I've already learned about character and story development.

6.) He drew the scene's and characters well and also had very good running/walking scenes.

7.) There could be better voice acting as at some points it didn't sound very good.

8.) The animator did very well on character and motion scenes. I like his style of drawing.

Here is the link:

Sep 2, 2015

Professional Review (video)

General Opinion
This was a very interesting, fun and entertaining video by Joe Weller.

What did they do well?
They used very good cameras, kept it on a tripod which made it steady. He only used two shots but they captured everything in the video.

What can be improved?
He does take too much time on shots, and that could be cut down to avoid losing viewers attention.

Cyle Kobe

Aug 28, 2015

Personal Project Review (Animation)

1.) The scope was too make our first animation of the year. It was a very simple one, as we just had to make a ball bounce across the screen.

2.) We made our original pictured background in Adobe Photoshop. Nt day we took it into Dream Weaver and made it simply bounce across the screen then rendered.

3.) I learned how to make an interactive background in Photoshop, then learned how to animate that in Dreamweaver.

4.) I would take more time to make the animation and bounces look as fluid as possible.

5.) I would use the same method to make the background and ball again.

6.) I will use these experiences to better my next Dreamweaver project.

7.) This was a very fun project to make and I also learned a lot about Dreamweaver.

Aug 26, 2015

Project Review

1. What was the scope of the project? We had to watch a video and note the first 18 shots, which ended up being the first 38 seconds.

2. What was your process? I would pause at each change of shots, and draw it down on the storyboard.

3. What did you learn along the way? I learned about all the different shots people use and how they key them together to make them look good and professional. 

4. What would i do different? Why? I would take more time at each shot and make it look the best I can make it.

5. What would you do the same? Why? I would draw each shot in order, no matter if it may be the same type of shot twice in a row.

6. What experiences will you draw from? I will make sure that I continue today close attention to each shot and not skip shots. 

7. General thoughts and conclusions. This was a good eye-opening project as I got to see how professionals pieced their shots together correctly to make it look the best they can make it.

May 20, 2015

Final Reflection

Recently in e9 we completed our final project. This was a very fun and relatively easy final. I really enjoyed how well my team worked together, agreed on pretty much everything and how my team would always pull their own weight and get their job done when the rest of the team counted on them. I also like how my team came up with some great ideas and we collaborated really well together.

o What was the scope of the project? We really came up with our idea by all sitting together and writing down random logos and products down on paper, and when we all agreed on one we liked we went ahead with making it a reality. Then we all would decide on where we would be best in creating this product. We all agreed on who would be best at what position and went ahead with doing our own part pretty much.

What did you learn along the way? I learned a lot about my team and what everyone excels at and struggles with. With my own knowledge i didn't learn really that much new things. It was just mainly reveiwing what I forgot in the other strands and having that knowledge come back to me.

What would you do differently next time?Why? Next time I will try to help other struggling group members finish what they need to or kinda just teach them how to do something that they might've not have known before. I also would have spent more time bettering my project and my contribution and not wasting time playing games or doing other non-important stuff.

What would you do the same? Why? would bring the same helpful and cheery attitude i did this time. I also would like to interact with my group as much as I did with this project, as I fell it really made us all whole and really united us as a team all trying to reach the common goal.

Here is a section of the website showcasing the graphic design work. I created the ad, as seen above, and also the coupon below.

Here is the animation of our product made by another group member. It shows the product and its packaging.

This is a screenshot of our commercial i acted in and also helped collaborate with my group to make this the way it turned out.

May 18, 2015

Final Project

For our final project in e9 we got together in a group and worked on a fake product. Our company name was Only Average Products or OAP. We made a product called ScentedSocks,as you can see our commercial above.I helped act in the commercial as well as help create it.
Here is a section of the website showcasing the graphic design work. I created the ad, as seen above, and also the coupon below.
Here is the animation of our product made by another group member. It shows the product and its packaging.

May 4, 2015

Final Project

This quarter in e9 we are focusing on our final, end-of-year project. We combine all four strands, Website, video animation and graphic design. In my group I was mainly focusing on the graphic-design aspect of the project. My team really worked well to resolve stuff and come up with great ideas for our project. I had a lot of fun being apart of this final project and being in e9 this year.

Mar 25, 2015

Today in Highschool

Today in "eComm" we played with legos as a group. Our teachers wanted us to do another team building exercise, and made us play with legos. We were supposed to have one person telling instructions while the rest of us worked. We did this four times. It helped develop new "working with a team skills."

Mar 13, 2015

Blog Post Critique

These past weeks in e9 we started exploring with web design. We had done this a little bit last quarter in Graphic Design, but we started focusing on it more these past few weeks.

Web Design is fun, but it's not something I choose to do. Honestly, i was really confused at some parts. But i got to learn more about web design which is awesome.

I learned more about the Adobe Suite, especially Dreamweaver. There's a lot of confusing stuff to remember, but I could see myself enjoying it in the future. I learned more about different codes and different css style's.

Feb 24, 2015

Dream House Project

These past few weeks we have been working in Google Sketch-Up to create our "dream house." Google Sketch-Up is very easy to use and also very fun, I look forward to using this more during our time in animation.

Feb 2, 2015

Keynote Animation

This quarter in e9 we have moved on to the Animation strand, instructed by Mr. Sappingfield! This is our first main project we have started, and we animated through Keynote. After we have met our 200 slide minimum we imported it over to iMovie, and then added in some music and sound effects. After we had all of our music in and it was ready, we uploaded to YouTube and Edmodo, the YouTube link is;